On the tripod you'll notice a small icon picture on the direction to lock and unlock the tripod.

  1. Twist the tripod legs to unlock and then extend all the section out.
  2. Once extended all the way twist the opposite way to lock the tripod in that position.
  3. Get the included phone mount and mount that to the tripod.
  4. Insert the phone.
  5. Ensure that you don't clamp any of the phone's buttons when tightening the phone mount. 
  6. Adjust the phone mount, so that that camera can view the entire mat.
  7. On modern phones with hi-resolution cameras, it is suggested to reduce the camera resolution in the Kai's Eye app settings. By doing this you can move the phone / camera closer to the mat and reducing the height of the tripod.
  8. You want to try and fill the screen with the view of the mat.